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How to address the global shortage of teachers

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Our Lesson Content

Core Curriculum: Mathematics 1

This month sees the release of Mathematics 1, the next lessons in our Core Curriculum...

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Our Lesson Content

Core Curriculum: Language Arts 1

This month sees the release of Language Arts 1, the next lessons in our Core...

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Teaching English

How to address the global shortage of teachers

Off2Class is excited to share the results of two initiatives to address the global shortage...

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A screenshot of a slide within Off2Class' updated TOEFL curriculum.

Teaching English

Happy 8th Birthday, Off2Class!

Happy 8th Birthday, Off2Class! Learn more about our diverse team and our mission to provide...

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Teaching English Online

The Values of Off2Class - Humor

Off2Class values a sense of humor and the ability to make others smile and laugh....

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Teaching English Online

The Values of Off2Class - Sensitivity

Off2Class respects that we all hold different perspectives. We act with integrity, humility and dignit...

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Webinars & Video

Introducing the Homework Auto Scoring Feature

Off2Class is pleased to announce our new Homework Auto Scoring Feature, designed to grade as...

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Our Lesson Content

Introducing the Off2Class Core Curriculum

We are pleased to announce the release of the Off2Class Core Curriculum, a series of...

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Teaching English Online

The Values of Off2Class - Diversity

Off2Class encourages the inclusion of different cultures and from all walks of life. We love...

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